Blackstone Gorge makes for a short, enjoyable hike across hilly and rocky terrain. Views down into the gorge are scattered throughout the hike. The trail is sort of a loop trail with 2 paths running very close to each other for most of the way. You can take 1 down and the other back, but you might just opt to stick with the one closer to the gorge both ways so that you can admire the Blackstone River. Young kids who like to do some minor climbing over small rocks will enjoy parts of this one.
1 of 2 parking areas
Rolling Dam near parking lot
Part of the Blackstone River
Rocky river
RI MA border
Lots of twists and turns along the whistling riverside trail
Very rocky and uneven terrain
Trail map – click for larger size.
August 9, 2015
Dirt/Gravel, Dog-Friendly, Low - An Occasional Encounter, MA, Medium, RI, Water